Meet Our Staff
Josh Breslaw has served as Pastor since July 2018. He and his wife, LeeAnn, have been married for 12 years and have two kids, Hannah and Micah. Josh is currently working on his Doctor of Ministry degree through B.H. Carroll Theological Institute. In his spare time, Josh likes playing board games, playing sports, and reading. His favorite Bible verse is Micah 6:8.
Email Josh at jbreslaw@chbccleburne.org

Michael and Amber Goddard serve as the Youth and Music Ministers. Michael has served as Youth Minister since 2010. Amber has been Music Minister since 2007. They have been married for 12 years and have three boys, Noah, Jake, and Liam. Michael is also a high school teacher in the Keene ISD while Amber is a professional flutist who performs throughout the area and teachers private lessons in several local schools.
Email Michael at mgoddard@chbccleburne.org
Email Amber at agoddard@chbccleburne.org