What to Expect at College Heights
Expect friendly people who want to get to know you. We are a group of people from all walks of life who have joined together as one community. We have toddlers, 90 year olds, and everything in between. We have blue collar, white collar, and no collar people. People come in suits and other's come in shorts. You will be welcome no matter who you are and how you look.
We currently have 3 Adult Sunday Morning Bible Studies at 9:45 am. We have a Men's class, Women's class, and Couple's class. We also have Sunday Morning Bible Study for children of all ages and a nursery for Bible Study and Worship for children Birth - PreK.
Our goal in worship is to allow the service to be a vehicle to encountering God. Worship is not just music, but it is a reformation into the image of God as God made us. We sing all styles of music. In addition, we will pray, read & study Scripture, give monetary offerings to God, and respond to God during Sunday Morning Worship. Our hope is that you encounter God, are transformed, and then go into the world to serve God by serving people.

To prepare you for your visit, here is a map of our facilities. To go to the Worship Center, enter either of the glass doors and you will find yourself in our atrium. The Worship Center is up the stairs/ramp.